Tokenholder Proposal: Grant for Concentrated Liquidity Calculator

The Buildrmetrics platform is the best platform I have used to research liquid pools on Uniswap. I would love to be able to do the same on Orca pools


Iā€™ve been following Jake on YouTube and taken his courses. Top quality information delivered in a professional style. Buildrmetrics being linked with Orca would be an amazing pairing.


Buildrmetrics platform and team is fantastic - constantly improving with lots of great free and paid resources. Have been using the buildmetrics platform for over 12 months now - just keeps getting better!


I would love to see Orca pools added to buildrmetrics. This would help me in evaluating and simplifying managing my orca pools.


Hi Jake,

Thanks for your interest in Orca! If you would like to submit a tokenholder proposal, please visit Orcaā€™s governance portal on Realms and connect your wallet. This would be a Signaling Governance (6d76Jā€¦4HUf9) proposal (also called ā€˜Off-Chain Governanceā€™), so you will need to deposit 250,000 ORCA tokens to submit the proposal. After that, fellow tokenholders will have 5 days to vote. This proposal will require 1,000,000 total ā€˜yesā€™ votes to pass. If it passes, it will undergo a cool-down period of 2 days, during which time the Council will review the proposal and determine whether to cast any veto votes. If the veto threshold (4 ā€˜noā€™ votes) is not met, then your proposal will be implemented subject to the bylaws.

Let me know if you have any questions!



At the moment weā€™re looking for support from a tokenholder with the required token amount or a council member that is willing to bring our proposal to vote!



Hi Jake,

Thanks for your note! All community members have access to the governance forum, so you posted in the right place. If other tokenholders agree with your proposal and want to submit it for an on-chain vote, then they should reach out and coordinate with you directly. As Council Secretary, I do not have direct access to tokenholders and cannot facilitate that process.

However, I do share all governance proposal posts with the Council members, and I will bring yours up for discussion at the next Council meeting, which happens to take place tomorrow. If a Council member decides to sponsor your proposal, I will announce it here in accordance with the bylaws.

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any questions.


This is great! Thank you so much!


Thanks. I am glad to join this group.


Ä°s it beneficial for us, i guess. Strenghten the platform, probably. Ä° would like to vote for it


Hi Jake,

Your proposal was reviewed, discussed and considered by the Council, and they have elected not to fund your grant request at this time. However, you remain welcome and encouraged to submit a tokenholder proposal for the grant either directly (by acquiring ORCA or being delegated the necessary tokens) or through garnering the support of another ORCA tokenholder who submits the proposal.


Hey Hannah, could you please elaborate on why the Council came to its decision?



The Buildrmetrics platform is a powerful tool for analyzing liquidity pools. I invest most of my liquidity with Orca, and would love the ability to analyze investments strategies on Buildrmetrics.


I love the buildrmetrics tools and would really find integration with orca to be super useful for managing my positions. I currently have about 36k invested in liquidity pools on orca and would likely move more of my portfolio over if it was easier to manage positions and calculate yeilds.


Hi. I follow Jake and the Buildrmetrics team on Discord. Iā€™m also a user of the Buildrmetrics site. The team is very solid, reliable and trustworthy. Their site is very useful for all levels of defi liquidity providers to use to find optimal pairs and ranges before deploying capital. While some pairs may lead one to chase a high yield, the impermanent loss feature on the Buildrmetrics site tells the true story. The tools on Buildrmetrics help me maintain a conservative approach with solid pairs while selecting a range that suits my activity level. There are not enough tools on the market that can provide the utility that Buildrmetrics has and their next logical step is to develop tools for Solana on Orca. In my opinion, it would be a great relationship if Orca worked with Buildrmetrics to produce tools to help guide investors on the Orca exchange. Thank you


I am relatively new to liquidity pools on the Solana ecosystem, but would like to see Orca on BuildrMetrics. The Buildrmetrics platform is a great tool for assessing liquidity pools, and Jake himself provides great insights via his YouTube channel. Please reconsider the decision to fund the grant?



I greatly appreciate the support for BuildrWealth. Itā€™s fantastic to know that thereā€™s a platform that has been beneficial for those of us investing in a decentralized world. I feel that the sole objective of BuildrMetrics is precisely to assist people in making smarter and more strategic financial decisions.

I firmly believe in the importance of selflessly helping others. I think that principle is what makes us more human to benefit a community.

So, how about making this DeFi ecosystem even better than it already is?


After reviewing your introduction, I am very optimistic about your project. However, I would like to offer some constructive suggestions:

  1. Expand Partnerships: Consider partnering with more decentralized exchanges and blockchain networks to enhance the platformā€™s diversity and reach.
  2. Increase User Engagement: Encourage active participation and liquidity provision by users through incentive mechanisms, such as reward programs or token airdrops.
  3. Enhance User Education: Create more educational content, such as video tutorials and online webinars, to help new users understand the intricacies and risks of providing liquidity.
  4. Improve User Experience: Continuously improve the user interface and interaction design to ensure the platform is easy to use, especially for non-technical users.
  5. Boost Data Transparency: Provide more exhaustive data and analytical tools to enable users to better evaluate the performance and risks of liquidity pools.
  6. Enhance Security: Increase investments in smart contract and platform security to ensure the safety of usersā€™ assets.

It think this would definitely help with that. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback!

Some stuff weā€™re working on:

  • More exchange partnerships (hence the grant proposal)
  • More educational content (thereā€™s already a lot on my YouTube)
  • Weā€™re always improving

We donā€™t use any smart contracts.

We donā€™t plan on launching a token or doing an airdrop anytime in the future.

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